Monday, February 18, 2008


The Devil is a figment of our imagination
God IS our imagination...


Blogger Darius T. Williams said...

I'd love to hear u expound on this.

6:07 AM  
Blogger ShawnQt said...

YEESSSSSSSSS I love it, Im so stealing that like a theif in the night!

7:54 AM  
Blogger fuzzy said...

Shawn, the thief in the night is a comparison between the thief and the devil, just so you know that!

I am with d.t.w. on this. I would like to hear an explanation of this thought pattern, I will be preparing my comments! lol

10:13 AM  
Blogger Quaheem said...

quite my opinion and experience with the divine...

The Devil and his supposed residence, Hell, are fictional characters created by those who hijacked spirituality for the purposes of controlling and exploiting societies of people. Life is nothing more aor less than a complex web of relationships that allow for the transfer of energy in cycles...Negative energy will return to it's source as will positive energy. The only resolution to this is Death.

The very essence of God in my opinion is in fact our imaginations...that intangible thing that allows us to concieve of and then, reshape, our own material realities. No ritual can explain it. Imagination is the battery that helps our human machine function..

Just my opinion...I could be wrong.

12:03 PM  
Blogger fuzzy said...

Imagination? I don't know quaheem, I think there is a bit more to the forces of good and evil than imagination!

12:16 PM  
Blogger Quaheem said...

I think life is a bit more complicated than simply good and evil....

6:41 PM  
Blogger fuzzy said...

I believe in simplicity. You are Good or Not! I believe that the world is black and white as thus. very simple and easy to interpret. Problems occur when they complicate things with color! lol

7:08 PM  
Blogger Quaheem said...

Well sir....I dream and live in color...

7:37 PM  

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