Thursday, August 04, 2005

We are The Rock N' Roll Children.....

I came to a realization on my birthday.

I don't need a man, nigga, lover, friend, or other...

What I desire is something somewhere right or left of center...

I am creating the new movement in my mind..

It aint black it aint's just multiple shades of grey...

It's about my two middle fingers directed toward the established way...of thinking that is

We don't create or follow trends...we just exist with style as the brain dead birds of a feather who flock together try to emulate what makes us smile..But they can't.

We've lived fucked up lives and in the endless pursuit of happiness we create a new reality by using the residue from our tainted pasts..Our imperfection touches lives...and saves them..

When mama blues and daddy jazz had some babies...they named us all rock and roll..

We are the rock n' roll children...

Superiorly unconventional and radiantly divine...

Fuck you and the box you are packaged in...I got a new bag

And it's all MINE...this time.

So from them, us, and me to "you"...since I've run out of cheeks to turn

Kiss my naturally gifted black ass

And feel your lips burn...


Blogger Dubbed As Trent Jackson said...

reading this reminds me of that lauryn hill joint...

Nothing even matters...

9:42 PM  
Blogger Darius T. Williams said...

Mr. Quaheem,

Looks like you've had what I call a liberation moment...that's good. As you grow and continue to evolve into who you were destined to be, this will keep happening! Happy Belated - it's your moment, take advantage of it because this moment only happens once in your life! You're Blessed!

Coming Into Reality,

5:46 AM  

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