Wednesday, August 10, 2005

The Sweetness of Realizing that It's YOU...

I had the pleasure was watching Iyanla Vanzant on public access here a couple of days ago...during her interview she said something so PROFOUNDLY simple...

she said: Life is on our side...Cuz if it wasn't then you'd be dead...

In the midst of my "down-ness" this summer I have continued to beat myself up about everything in my life that has occured (both recently and NOT-so-recently)...the breakdown and dissolution of my parents marraige and my sexuality...7 years of failed relationships..and now my professional woes.

In the silence of my room I layed, closed my eyes and asked God WHY s/he was doing this TO ME...What had I done to deserve it all? Why?...

But after hearing Iyanla and doing some real meditation about it all I realized that EVERYTHING that I have been through has EVERYTHING to do with ME and my perception of it all...

My God wants me to succeed...And living in misery is a choice that those who have not been given any alternative means of perception CHOOSE, because quite frankly YOU, ME, THEM, and everyone else who live there perhaps don't know any better...or maybe don't want to know any better...

We live in a world filled with potential adverse causations waiting to solicit an adverse effect out of YOU and ME..."It" will only effect "YOU" if one is in compliance...

I've let FAMILY effect ME

I've let FRIENDS effect ME

I've let LOVERS effect ME

I've let OTHERS effect ME...

When all the time I neglected to let the most important person effect me...ME

If God....The King and the Queen...created man and woman in his/her image then that means that WE as the offspring are KINGS and QUEENS ourselves. We are the rulers of our own spiritual kingdoms...The difference between thriving and destruction is our willingness to step up an wear our CROWN.

The process of assuming this control is long....for some it may take a lifetime. I realized that I have been placed in my current circumstances to be molded, groomed, and prepared to assume my rightful place as ME, MYSELF, and I...

Too many of us are continuing to allow people, places, things, and circumstances to interpet and script our humanity for us...

But is it not wonderful when it all doesn't matter as much anymore...and you've tasted the sweetness of YOU...

I've gotten a sip...And I think I may be hooked.


Blogger The Divo said...

My Friend,

I think you have finally got it. I don't know whether it was just cause it was Iyanla Vanzant and her commercialized self, or you finally came to it, but you got it.

I am proud of you. Go and be the image that The Creator made you to be, and start claiming the victory over the difficulties that you haven't had the courage to walk through.

I believe in you.

As always in Parting,

I came in Peace and in Peace I leave.

10:40 PM  
Blogger Dubbed As Trent Jackson said...


I'm so glad for this post! I needed this one tonight!

I am so very happy that you've returned and you're doing okay! I was thinking about you and your situation...and I am glad to know that things are working themselves out and you've been sent a message that will help you get over this hump int he road!

Wow! I am so glad right've really made my night better with this one!!

11:21 PM  
Blogger Darius T. Williams said...

Mr. Quaheem,

Let me be one of the few that will actually congratulate you on this! I know how it feels when you're blinded - and I know how it feels when your eyes are uncovered! It feels so good you want to share it with others! Yo - you've got it. The only place to go from here is up! Like Madea once told me, "You've been down, and now you've been up - your challenge isn't going to be trying to keep yourself from going down. Your challenge is going to be trying to keep yourself from staying right where you are."

Coming Into Reality,

7:29 AM  
Blogger Bobby Brown Jr. said...

it's always refreshing to see other people (especially brothers) GET IT. the important thing to always remember is that its a process. the insight you got was excellent but you have to nuture it with support. people spend a lot of time and money workin out physically but not enough mentally. So how do u keep your mind/spirit active?
first of all dont rely on one source..i think iyanla is good but she cant possibly have all the tools needed to feed yo spirit. do what works for u but make an effort to seek enlightment that keeps yo mind stimulated and motivated. and please please please understand that life is too short to spend any time not doin things that make u happen. stop making excuses for why u havent achieved the excellence u were sent here for and start with today. i wish u much success on your journey and my prayers are with u.

be well,

9:48 PM  
Blogger Liber8Lyph said...

Thank you... your words were needed greatly

9:59 AM  
Blogger reef said...

Yeah man, you gotta live yourself. Obviously you have to consider your relation to other people, but that can't be the driving force - until you're in love, that is. :-)

You should definitely have sips - but don't get drunk! That leads to vanity :)

10:40 AM  
Blogger ShawnQt said...

MAN... you killed it, I love it! Yes, I am so feeling u right now! Wow, awesome. It's really all about being proactive and reactive, and stop reacting to what other people do to us. We as African Americans are KINGS & QUEENS! I always beleived the closest thing to finding GOD, is to see, feel, and release the GOD in us.

11:58 AM  

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