Well, I am certainly feeling better…
And in my sickness I decided some things….
First I decided to purchase an Xbox 360…
Then decided to settle some debts…
And about a week ago as I showered I decided that this would be my vacation summer…my good friend HARTFORDLADY is going to Orlando with her family for Memorial Day weekend and the week after..I decided to accompany her. Although I don’t enjoy flying I NEED the vacation…
I has also decided to go to ATL for Labor Day..but there is a conflict with my job so I MAY or MAY NOT GO…I’ll keep you posted.
I too decided that I should make a trip celebrating my 25th birthday in August (August 2nd to be exact)…maybe Vegas…who knows. All I do know is that I want to make my 25th year special…any suggestions?
Well it looks like I am Orlando bound on Saturday…should be a good time. I have never been to Disney World or Universal Studios so that should be nice…
I’ll be sure to take some pictures…
Maybe I’ll even share them…See you on June 3rd when I celebrate my’s been 1 year..can’t believe it!!
Until then…CIAO!